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Melbourne Chinese Medicine Clinic & Herbal Elite

Herbal Elite Online Shop and Chinese Medicine Clinic in Melbourne located at 482 Burwood Highway, Vermont south. We sell traditional Chinese medicine and health products online, and provide Chinese Medicine Consultation and acupuncture. and Same day appointment is acceptable by phone call discussion.

Chinese Medicine & Health Products Online Shop

Get quality and with Australian GMP certified standard Chinese medicine; anti-aging products: NAD+, collagen and more from us.

Herbal Elite Chinese Medicine Clinic

Using Chinese medicine theory and practice to diagnose your issue. Chinese medicine practitioner and acupuncturist will select the appropriate treatment plan for your needs.

Explore Our Melbourne Chinese Medicine Clinic Services

Patients can make appointment if they have the following symptoms: flu, fever, cough and phlegm, sore throat, Arthritis, Sciatica, pain symptoms, stomach and digestion symptoms, hay fever and nasal symptoms, fatigue, infertility, man, woman and children diseases, symptoms during maternity and post-natal care, dermal symptoms, facial paralysis, stroke, weight control, injury and fractures. Private health insurance rebate with the item of acupuncture or Chinese Medicine is provided.

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Have Any Questions feel free to contact Us

043 221 4011

Shop Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ani Health Products with Herbal Elite

Why Choose Us:

  • All our traditional Chinese medicine has Australian GMP certification.
  • One of the best quality Chinese herbal in Mlelbourne
  • Both our traditional Chinese Medicine and Health products have low and competitive price in the market
  • We provide membership loyalty discount with membership
  • You also provide wholesale price's choice
  • We provide free shipping in Australia over $200+ purchase
  • 健强墨尔本中医诊所

    Valuable Feedback from our Patients and Customers
